Pubg Golden Moon Bazaar Event Redeem Codes

Pubg Golden Moon Bazaar event

Pubg Golden Moon Bazaar Event Redeem Codes Update 9 April 2023

PUBG Golden Moon Bazaar event healed during this Holy month of Ramadan. Its always launch new events according different occasions going on Pakistan or over the world. During this events you will redeem legendary rewards by collecting event coins (Tide Medals) or redeem codes.

Redeem codes for Pubg Golden Moon Bazar Event

  1. HappyGoldenMoon
  2. رمضان يجمعنا
  3. عيد فطر مبارك
  4. رمضان كريم

We are founded some redeems codes of Golden moon Bazaar which gives you event coins or outfits for limited time. But you get permanent outfit with this event by coins (Tide Medals) which cost is 18000 coins.

How to Get Redeem Codes

Every Pubg lover redeem these codes which I provided above. If you have any problem face then comment we will assist you ASAP. Step 1, going to the events in Pubg mobile and open Golden Moon Bazar event. After that you see on the top right corner Redemption code click on it.

After that enter my given codes in it one by one and get rewords. Every code give you free events coins and limited time outfit related ramadan.

How to get Tide Medals (Events coins) in this event

In this event give you deferent ways to get tide medals, click on the top left side on Collapse. Here you see five ways to collect event coins, Golden Moon Treasure, Golden Moon Showdown, Golden Moon Blessing, Popularity Ranking and Eid al-Fitar Feast.

Second in the bottom right side Explore Stories and Top right side Treasure Gallery giving you extra event coins.

Legendary Rewards in PUBG Mobile Golden Moon Bazaar

Here some legendary rewards you will collecting by event coins. Which starting from 3 Tide Medals upto 1800. Some items time limited or some permanent. Tidal Soldier set is permanent legendary outfit.


Golden Moon Bazaar event end?

Golden Moon Bazaar event will be end on 30 April 2023.

Tide Medals Coins use after event ended?

No, after event ended you will not redeem thats coins.

Who can participate in this event?

Every Pubg Player join this event and collect permanent legendary outfit or items.

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