Insurance For Different Kinds Of Events

Insurance is a kind of protection and it comes in different forms. The most common is life insurance; other common kinds are car or home protection. Other covers pertain to health, second homes, and holiday travel. For any of these, you have to pay a certain amount of premium which is based on the risk involved.


This is a kind of protection and it comes in different forms. The most common is life insurance; other common kinds are car or home protection. Other covers pertain to health, second homes, and holiday travels. For any of these, you have to pay a certain amount of premium which is based on the risk involved. Loses that happen to the insured will be paid by the insurer.

Unknown to many of us, there are different events that will also require protective coverage. These are very unique kinds such that they can be difficult to find. As they are uncommonly bought, the cover can only be available from special insuring companies. Four of these indemnities are protection on consignment sales, exhibitors, tradeshow, and other events which all fall under general liability assurance.

Consignment Sale Insurance

A consignment sale is a kind of business. This is a different kind because this involves goods that are supplied to consignment shops – to be sold for an agreed amount and length of time. The proceeds of the sale will be divided between the consignee and the consignor. One risk in this business is the transfer of the goods from point of origin to the destination. Should something happen along the way, the cost of goods will be paid by the insurer, depending upon the amount stipulated in the policy.

Exhibitor Insurance

Whenever you want to exhibit your goods like works of art in a celebration, the goods can be at risk. You need to purchase general liability coverage that will be needed while the exhibit is being undertaken. The indemnity that you should purchase should be equal to the price of the exhibited items. The insurer will not pay you the entire amount of cover if not all goods are lost. Just the exact amount of loss is paid.

Tradeshow Insurance

This has a further reference to the exhibition of goods, another general liability kind. The policy will cover any damage or injury to a person or property during the setting-up of the tradeshow, the actual day of the show, and the tearing down of the set-up. The insuring firm can include as many persons in the contract, subject to an additional premium.

Special Event Insurance

There are other events that can be insured. Examples of these events or happenings are auto shows, beauty pageants, athletic and sports events, concerts, craft shows, and book signing. There are so many kinds of events – even family reunions, parades, theater performances, and lectures can be covered as long as you are willing to pay for the cost. If you have another event in mind, you can always talk to your underwriter or agent. There is always room for another coverage.

Insurance is actually a necessity. Some people do not understand and some may understand but do not care. In many cases, not insuring any event can be a disaster. An uninsured business will mean a loss for your company. Or – are you just unwilling to spend for your protection?

North American Retail RPG Inc is a source for consignment sale insurance, exhibitor insurance, tradeshow insurance, special event insurance, and special event tradeshow insurance.

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