Everyone is using the dumb mobile phone in Offices and at home town. Nokia Company mobile is mostly using in Pakistan. When mistakenly you set a password on your keyboard , and after some days you forget the password. So what can you do? officiously you need to reinstall you mobile phone software.
For Reinstall your phone Software you need a Mobile phone shop, and of-course its costly. So today I Will tell you how you install software in any Nokia mobile phone (Any Nokia Model).
Today I’m Install Software in Nokia 108 RM944
These things are required
USB Data Cable 5v
Soldering Iron Kavia 220v
Connecting USB Data Cable in Mobile
Open the mobile back cover and disconnect the Battery. You see here 2 Sim Slot , in the front on sim one slot Soldering Points. See below picture
After soldering USB cables with mobile Soldering points. Now connect with computer and Check your mobile its receive power from PC and Mobile Charging light on.
Install Nokia Software
Click here and Download the Nokia Software kit for repair your mobile software. after download this software install in your computer you must install latest Nokia Software Kit Version.
If install your software successfully in your computer now click on your Nokia kit Icon and open it. If your Connection or USB Connected with Computer, Software show your mobile Model and IMEI Number. Next Step to download required software files from Internet, next Install in your mobile. All download files copy in your mobile and install , don’t unplug your USB cable during this posses.
When software install in mobile software show restart your mobile, if automatically restart then good if not then you done by manually.
Software Installation done Now your mobile is brand new , screen show some get infoemation about you or some other information related mobile settings( Language , Wifi Password, Email , Font , ETC) .